I picked a random Korean and said "English?" I was super lucky today as he spoke English well and he was drunk. Korean's are often afraid to speak English when they are sober because they don't want to embarrass themselves... THANK YOU SOJU!!! SO he didn't know the subway was closed early either... many Koreans seemed to not know this... How was I supposed to know it ends early on Saturday??? Usually we are out so late we have to cab home...
So I talked to this Korean boy and we established that neither one of us had money but fortunately this random person from the subway lives in my neighborhood!!! We go to an ATM but it won't let me take money out.. he said something like either my bank is closed... or they are doing something or another... either way i could not take out money!
So we get out to the street... looking for cab... not that we could even pay him but we have to get home it's -10 outside!!! This van pulls up and a man gets out asking where we are going. He offers to drive us and rallies up other people as well.. So I am a bit freaked out... I mean this was NOT a cab... this was a random van!! and I am with a random Korean whom I have to put all my trust into! The Korean boy went a took a picture of the mans van and license plate just to be safe. So me and 5 random Koreans drive off in this van to Kyodae (Seoul National University of Education.. which is where i live)
Korean boy had explain to the van driver that we had no money. The van driver was not angry and simply got the Korean boy's phone number and said he could pay him later! We arrived safely and I gave the Korean boy my number so I could give him my share of the money at a later date.
It was quite the adventure and at the time I was like.... shiiiit!! what am I going to do!!! If I really had've taken a moment and thought about it, I would have realized I had my Canadian debit card and I could have taken out money on that possibly if I found the right bank machine.... I also could have taken money out on my credit card but I don't even want to think about what the charges and interest would have been. Either way I solved the problem and survived another day in Korea...
Mom and Dad don't be worried! I can figure things out in sticky situations.
Note to self... if I spend the emergency money I leave in my wallet make sure I replace it!!!