Thursday, December 3, 2009

C'est Lalloween

So halloween was awesome! Some girlfriends and I decided to dress up as the ghostbusters. So for the two weeks before we were scouring Korea for stuff for our costumes. It was really hard to find coveralls here! I mean things exist in Korea but if you don't know the Korean word for it or just who to ask it is near impossible to find!! Sometimes google is useful and I have found a few locations of things by using it but naver would be way better to use.... it is like the Korean google... unfortunately it is all in Korean!

Anyway we got all of our stuff together and met up at Leslie's to make the costume. This girl has such a gorgeous, new loft apartment!! Makes me jealous although my place has gotten much cozier... I still need to put up pictures of my rearranged and decorated apartment... man I am lazy hahaha!

Okay so back to halloween... so we met up on October 30th and we worked on our costumes till like 2 am or something and we weren't even finished! We had the bright idea of actually making the patches. We did not just print them off the computer... we cut out the red, black and white parts all separately and then with the one needle Leslie and Jenelle slaved away hand stitching them... we made our backpacks out of cereal boxes and attached tubing to our guns... and made gun holders! It was a lot of effort and time. oh and like everything had to be spray painted black... we had to find somewhere to spray paint because we could not do it in an apartment... we probably looked ridiculous hunting down the street trying to find a back alley to paint in... we had cans of spray paint in hand... we probably looked like criminals. We found a spot, spray painted and got stared at by Koreans... what are those crazy foreigners up to???

The best part of the night was riding the subway! No one else on the entire subways and stations we went through were dressed up... the Koreans smiled at us and laughed... asked us why we were dressed up. It was a lot of fun!

We went to Itaewon to the Wolfhound pub because they had some competitions going on. Well we walked in and everyone was impressed with or costumes. People bought us drinks because they thought our costumes were really good. The people who owned the bar were like don't leave don't leave!!! So we stayed and we won best group costume!!! 50 000 won baby!! which essentially covered the cost of the entrance cover and no where near the cost of the costumes but it was worth it and soo much fun!

This is my halloween album for my non facebookers!

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