Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Koreans Like Me

So today my boss informed me that I have the typical look that Koreans like. I have blues eyes, white skin and I am not too tall! I think this is the first time in my life that people are impressed by that shiny whiteness that is my skin and are not making fun of me for being short but rather quite enjoy that I do not tower over them!

Also I was told by a random girl while out last weekend that I am beautiful... the reason I am beautiful? because I have a small face. So boys if you ever want to pick up a Korean girl one huge compliment you can give her is that she has a small face. She will think you are amazing.

So I write this blog and people say they are reading it but it feels very one-sided and weird to me so please comment on my post if you read it! Otherwise I feel uber lame writing this... and this is especially aimed at Catherine as she made this blog for me and told me I had to blog!!!


  1. hahaha shut up. you love it. i like reading this. you can't stop. ever. hahaha.

    p.s. nice small face...wanna bone? i had a bunch of twinkies, hot dogs and popsicles so i won't let you down ;)

    p.p.s. i don't know how to comment using my name...but you know it's me lol

  2. it worked...nevermind

  3. Your Mommy reads this all of the time!! Don't stop doing it. Love Mom

  4. Bring me back a Korean girl ... or four
    ps. its Ali, in case you haven't figured it out yet
