Saturday, October 3, 2009

The week of frustration

So last week was kind of the most annoying week here. I hit a wall where I could no longer stand the language barrier. I was also really sick of the constant staring and how Koreans bump into you and do not apologize... so rude.. So I have been trying and trying to make my apartment nicer and well my bedspread really needed to go as did the funky matching pillowcases. So I looked everywhere for a new bedspread that would be thick enough for the winter and would look nice in my room.. I ended up with a white duvet well its white cause it has no cover... I gave up. I also wanted a set of western style sheets and pillowcases. I looked everywhere and finally gave up on regular pillowcases cause they don't exist here... so I just got some simple cream ones that zip up and are actually a size too small. Well I was excited though cause I found some sheets. They were silver and really cute... until I got home. When at home I realized that the lady sold me a fitted bed sheet only... for 34 000 won... so I paid approximately $30 for a fitted bed sheet. AHHHHHH I was soo freakin frustrated that I spent that much money on only a fitted bed sheet simply because I don't speak Korean and I did not know thats what the Korean lady was trying to explain to me. Basically I spent a week being bitter at the fact that I don't speak Korean. Well I gave up and asked my mummy to send me some nice sheets and pillowcases so I am excited for the day when those get sent!

So it was just a bad week but I feel much better now!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Olivia
    Let us know when your sheets arrive from Canada!
    I wonder how long it will take before you become fluent in Korean.
    Lots of Love from Canada, we will miss you at Thanksgiving.
    Aunt Liz
