Friday, August 28, 2009

Scary Events!

So last Saturday I went out to a Canadian bar and had some delicious pepperoni pizza. This bar had a Canadian flag attached to a hockey stick hanging outside. The bar was called Beer-O'Clock and they had advertisements for their bar on a TV Screen. It included photoshopped pictures of Snoop Dog

and Don Cherry and Ron McClain.

Later we went to a Nor - e - bong (Karaoke room) and sang and laughed. Arriving home at 4 am I went to bed.

You must be thinking why is this post titled scary events? These events don't seem scary! Well you are right. Scary event number one occured when I got home.

So I had been asleep for about 30 minutes (making it 4:30am) when I heard a strange sound. At first I thought I was just crazy and there was nothing to worry about. The sound did not go away. It sounded like someone was pulling and fiddling with my neighbors front door and then my front door. It was a menacing sound and I began to shake with fear. I decided someone must be trying to break into my apartment! I began to freak out. I have no phone here to call for help since I have not recieved my Alien Registration Card yet which you need to get a cell phone. There is also no other way to escape my apartment as the windows are barred to prevent people from breaking in. Trembling I made my way to the door in the dark. I decided not to turn any lights on so that I would not alert my intruder that I was aware of his presence. I looked out my peephole and I could see the outline of a man standing in the dark. Panic begins to set in as my only escape would be right by him. I decided to try and hold my door knob tight so he could not turn it. He kept pacing and it looked as though he was on the phone. I couldn't figure out how he knew the code to get into my apartment building. I could hear a phone ringing somewhere over and over again. Just when I thought I was going to throw up I hear a girl yell in the room next to mine. She ran to the door, opened it and pulled in the man. Turns out the guy simply forgot his keys and was trying to get into his shared apartment!

I felt kinda stupid but I was still shaking when I crawled back into my bed!

Scary event number two involves my parents and a phone call. While I was at work Monday morning, the secretary Rose comes running into my office to inform me that I have a phone call. I was really confused as I didn't even know the phone number of my office and had not given it to anyone. She says that it is my dad. I answer and sure enough my dad is on the other line and he sounds so relieved to hear my voice. Turns out that night someone called our home in Ottawa. A girl called and when my dad asked who it was the girl told him "you know." He replied with "Olivia?" to which she responded "yes." My dad said she sounded really funny but it did sound a bit like me. He asked her if everything was okay because she didn't sound right. She says ya. He asks where she is and she responds "at home." My dad asks why she is calling and she says to introduce her new boyfriend. Then a man with an Asian accent comes on the phone and says, "I like pills!" The girl gets back on the line to assure my dad it is fine he just has tourettes. She says she should go and hangs up. My dad panicked because he believed that I had been drugged by some Korean man and I was in danger in my apartment as this man was probably going to rape me. My dad frantically called my recruiter, then my school director and then the school owner to track me down. Remember I still don't have a phone here. He gets a hold of the owner and she gives him the number to my school and he finally finds out I am okay and that it was a prank call. While they were trying to reach me my dad and my mom decided that the would be coming to Korea the next day to save me...

So that was scary!

As promised here is me eating street meat. Each sausage tasted different from the last and two of them had this chewy rice thing that looks like a really thick noodle.... as in like 100 times bigger than a regular noodle. They are soft and chewy and quite nice.

Here is a picture of me in the street somewhere nearby the Canadian bar.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Second weekend

So the new girl from Canada is awesome. It is so nice to have a girl around to go shopping and dancing with. Her sister came with her and will be here until October. They live right around the corner from me so we have been cooking dinners together almost every night.

Last Friday we went to Beomgye mind you it is pronounced Bumgay... not even kidding! So first we went to Happiness bar but the sign was spelt Happiduness. I love Asian english typos! We met the owner, played with his dog, had some drinks and then moved on to "Clubby Bar Slang" which was in a basement and had a stripper poll on the dance floor. Now both of these places contained foreigners.. mostly unattractive foreigners to be exact but there were still some Koreans floating around. One guy grabbed my arm as I walked by him, kissed my face and told me he loved me... It was repulsive! All the Korean boys want to chat with all the foreign girls and it was sooooo loud and they were yelling in my ear trying to talk to me... and then the lingering cigarette smoke everywhere. It grossed me out. But I am going to try again tomorrow as it will be Friday and time for another night out.

We have made a Korean friend and he has been taking us around and translating for us. It has been wonderful having him around!

More to come soon and some pictures of me eating street meat!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One Week In

Well its been a full week. I started teaching full time on Thursday and it is actually quite easy. There are only 2-4 students in each of my class. Quite a change from my placements in high school classes with about 26 students! The kids are really cute and the call me Olivia Teacher. I really am enjoying teaching them.

There are only 4 teachers here including me. There are about 15 teachers at our sister school so we went out with them on Friday. We went to a North American style bar and the bartenders were throwing around their bottles of alcohol and there were flames involved and a tower of flaming cups precariously stacked. It was really neat. The waitress came up to me and asked my name... so I told her... and she said nothing so I asked her name... and she told me... then she says that the Korean men sitting over there think that you are beautiful. She then went over and told them my name so for the rest of the night anytime I walked by them I heard O-Lee-Vee-A.

Living wise... well mosquitoes... mosquitoes... mosquitoes!! I don't see many in my apartment but my body appears to be covered in bites when I wake up in the morning. So my mosquito net finally arrived yesterday and I attempted to put it up myself but I decided I really needed some help... so tonight another teacher here is going to help me.

Food has been good. I have tried many new things and I actually cooked something for myself...

I finally got my shower working. It turns out that someone had turned my gas off outside the apartment so I am not incompetent and could not have solved that problem myself.

Another new teacher arrived from Canada last night so I am excited to be working with another girl... Prior to her arrival it was all men!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First Two Days

So I arrived Sunday at Midnight and was told that I did not have to go into work for 8:30 am anymore! So I jumped into bed only to discover that it is hard as a block of wood!

Monday the other teachers and director took me out for lunch and after I went for my medical exam. It even included a chest ex-ray and a hearing test. In the evening I had my first taste of Korean BBQ and it was not as amazing as I was expecting... but maybe there are better places. Tuesday I observed classes and opened a bank account. Lunch was awesome! It was some kind of spare rib soup.

My apartment is a good size for me except my windows face walls. One is less than a foot from my window! All the windows have screen type things on them so that they let in light but I can't see out of them which is probably good. Brick walls are only interesting for so long...

Showering has been a challenge and I can't quite figure out how to get my hot water just right... maybe tomorrow.

So this first picture is from my door looking in. That room is my bathroom... lovely red tile and red toilet

This is all the stuff I stocked up on!

So as you can see left of the bathroom is the one room. Theres the little table, Tv stand, wardrobe, double bed. On the other side of the wall of the bathroom is my kitchen.

The door beside my bed is my mini balcony where my washing machine is.

My kitchen... that is right beside my bed!

My wardrobe that has only one door.. at the foot of my bed..

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Currently I am sitting in Vancouver waiting for my flight to Tokyo... my layover here is four hours... I am starting hour three.

In Tokyo I get to sit around for five hours! I am thankful for the free WiFi and my Macbook.

In all, my travel time equates to 29 hours including leaving my house in Ottawa to arriving in Korea... and then I think the drive home in Korea is another hour... long lonnng Saturday/Sunday/ I am losing a day!