Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First Two Days

So I arrived Sunday at Midnight and was told that I did not have to go into work for 8:30 am anymore! So I jumped into bed only to discover that it is hard as a block of wood!

Monday the other teachers and director took me out for lunch and after I went for my medical exam. It even included a chest ex-ray and a hearing test. In the evening I had my first taste of Korean BBQ and it was not as amazing as I was expecting... but maybe there are better places. Tuesday I observed classes and opened a bank account. Lunch was awesome! It was some kind of spare rib soup.

My apartment is a good size for me except my windows face walls. One is less than a foot from my window! All the windows have screen type things on them so that they let in light but I can't see out of them which is probably good. Brick walls are only interesting for so long...

Showering has been a challenge and I can't quite figure out how to get my hot water just right... maybe tomorrow.

So this first picture is from my door looking in. That room is my bathroom... lovely red tile and red toilet

This is all the stuff I stocked up on!

So as you can see left of the bathroom is the one room. Theres the little table, Tv stand, wardrobe, double bed. On the other side of the wall of the bathroom is my kitchen.

The door beside my bed is my mini balcony where my washing machine is.

My kitchen... that is right beside my bed!

My wardrobe that has only one door.. at the foot of my bed..

1 comment:

  1. Hey Olivia!

    I wish we could have chatted before you left but I was already up North when you sent your message. That's great that you're blogging! I'm looking forward to living vicariously through you...so you better do the craziest and most dangerous things possible ;) Ok don't do that. But I just checked out your pictures and your place is cute! I think you'll enjoy living there and enjoy the time to yourself. Anyways, keep blogging and I will keep checking. Send me a facebook email if you ever wanna chat and we can pick a time. I know you probably can't call but don't hesitate to call me if you ever need to talk or ever need a friend. Talk soon! xoxoxo

