Friday, August 21, 2009

Second weekend

So the new girl from Canada is awesome. It is so nice to have a girl around to go shopping and dancing with. Her sister came with her and will be here until October. They live right around the corner from me so we have been cooking dinners together almost every night.

Last Friday we went to Beomgye mind you it is pronounced Bumgay... not even kidding! So first we went to Happiness bar but the sign was spelt Happiduness. I love Asian english typos! We met the owner, played with his dog, had some drinks and then moved on to "Clubby Bar Slang" which was in a basement and had a stripper poll on the dance floor. Now both of these places contained foreigners.. mostly unattractive foreigners to be exact but there were still some Koreans floating around. One guy grabbed my arm as I walked by him, kissed my face and told me he loved me... It was repulsive! All the Korean boys want to chat with all the foreign girls and it was sooooo loud and they were yelling in my ear trying to talk to me... and then the lingering cigarette smoke everywhere. It grossed me out. But I am going to try again tomorrow as it will be Friday and time for another night out.

We have made a Korean friend and he has been taking us around and translating for us. It has been wonderful having him around!

More to come soon and some pictures of me eating street meat!

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